Sorry gang...I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but I've been super busy. I promise that I haven't lost any love for any of the 466 unique visitors that have visited my page (Google Analytics is kinda pretty much sorta amazing). I haven't had much time to cook anything until yesterday afternoon but I've got some new material to post so let's get started...
This recipe is pretty much taken straight from Indian Home Cooking A Fresh Introduction To Indian Food. I'd also like to add that this recipe should also work well with other types of protein...chicken, perhaps?
Clean and devein 3/4 pounds of shrimp. You can either shell the shrimp or leave the shells on...I elected to leave the shells on. Sprinkle the shrimp with 1/4 tsp of mustard powder, 1/4 tsp of turmeric and 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper. Squeeze 2 tsps of lemon juice over the shrimp and add a few heavy pinches of salt. Mix well and set aside to marinate. Leave for about 30 minutes. Sorry about the blurry picture.
While the shrimp are marinating/bathing in flavor, mince enough green onion tops to yield 2 tablespoons.
After a half hour of marinating, heat up a pan. Add oil. Toss in a good pinch of mustard seeds, cumin seed and, if available, a half dozen torn curry leaves. The mustard seeds will pop and splatter. Stir/cook the spice mixture until it's nice and aromatic. Don't burn it.
Toss in the shrimp and mix well to combine with the oil/spices.
Give the shrimp a minute to color on one side and then add the chopped green onion tops. Flip the shrimp to color the second side.
The shrimp will cook very quickly. If you're unsure whether or not they're done, grab a shrimp, cut into it and have a look. You should also taste for might need salt.
Time- 40 minutes, much of it unsupervised.
Food Cost-
Shrimp- $6.00
Incidentals- $0.25
Total- $6.25 or about $3.00 per serving.
Should feed 2 people along with rice.
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